Saturday, 24 December 2016


It  is the study of Universe in totality. The study of Universe involve three main domains: Religion, Philosophy and Science. When I say religion, it sounds vague, But its true that religion is one of the domain in the study of Universe though  it is not up to the mark. Later I will discuss "Cosmology and Religion" but in this page I am focusing only on Scientific Cosmology. Scientific Cosmology is a branch of science that deals with scientific study of origin and evolution of Universe from Big Bang to the future on classical scale.

At first the Greek philosophers Aristarchus, Aristotle and Ptolemy proposed their theory about how heavens work. They talked about Earth centric system in which all the Planets revolve around the Earth including Sun. It was the best theory until Copernicus, Galileo and Kepler proposed a Sun centric system in 16th century. Scientific cosmology include the subjects of Newton's , Einstein's , quantum cosmology. And I will be taking each of these topics separately. 

Thank you for reading this POST and I will soon come up with more posts on cosmology. Please follow and comment if you find something lacking.
My next post will be on "BIG BANG THEORY"